Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Habitats Lesson Three

One week ago today, we used four learning centers (Math, Language Arts, Writing, and Art) that used habitats as the base of the information.

  • For Math it was all about the animals in the Serengeti - as well as students beginning to learn about fractions.  Click HERE to see the PIE charts we learned from. 

  • Students at the Language Arts center had to read a page of information about the Arctic Tundra to find the answers to a page of questions they had to answer.  I used TeachersPayTeachers.com to find this awesome Arctic Tundra packet of lessons and activities. 

  • For the Writing station, students went through a Power Point over view of the Desert to then write just three things they learned using a page with a picture to color at the bottom of the page of the desert. This one went so quick, so I luckily had an extra activity, I had this group sort pictures of plants and animals into labels of four different habitats: Desert, Rain-forest, Grassland, and Arctic Tundra. (many thanks my fellow Elementary Education colleague for letting me borrow her beautiful presentation)

After everyone had finished their first center, we took a quick break to "play" short game and talk about acting. I reminded the class as actors, we add information to a scene typically in three ways:  VERBALLY (by talking, the lines of our character), EMOTIONALLY, and SPACE WORK (the props we use and how we interact in the space on stage or on the movie set).  I taught them briefly about "Life Coming In" and that the characters we play in a performance don't just magically appear as they make an entrance but something happened just before they enter and sometimes maybe years ago something had happened that is still influencing that character's life and behavior and view points (opinions) in that very scene. I asked them to each make an emotional choice and have a "back story" about the card they had to play the "I Have... Who Has" game with a Habitat Theme. I wrote "Happy, Sad, Fearful, Angry, and Loving" on the board to remind them of some powerful emotions for some suggestions.   This was a huge hit and the class wanted to play it again immediately once we were done.  They would have to wait a week to have another go at it as we played it again today.

Once we finished all our centers, we then played a final game to end the class called "Barn Yard". 

There are 3 animals from each of the Serengeti, the Desert, and Arctic Tundra. All the animals make distinct sounds. 

We printed just 3 copies of this page. 

Each person is given the name of an animal with 2 other people having the same animal. We spread across the room. No one was allowed to tell which animal he was. At the signal each person made the noise of the animal and moved like the animal that he had been given. When we found all of our animals in your group and we sat down until everyone found their group.

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